Frontier available to all! Figma to Code, using your components, in VSCode Get Frontier in VSCode
Frontier available to all! Figma to Code, using your components, in VSCode Get Frontier in VSCode

Keep Figma & Storybook in sync. Automatically.

Anima’s AI manages your design system components, maintaining a single source of truth between Figma and code.

Achieve full consistency between Figma and production

Anima’s CLI syncs code updates to Figma in real time—with zero manual maintenance—so Figma components are always 1:1 with production.

Code props become Figma variants

Auto-generate all component variants and properties from code, and save hundreds of hours creating each one manually.

From code properties to Figma Variants

CSS converts to
Auto Layout

Import responsive CSS properties as Figma Auto Layout for consistent component behavior.

CSS converts to Auto Layout

Design tokens translate to Figma Styles

Generate Figma Styles from design tokens—and vice versa—for more efficient collaboration.

Design tokens translate to Figma Styles

Origin code appears in Figma Inspect

Copy each component’s code, props, and Storybook link directly from Figma’s Inspect panel.

Design tokens translate to Figma Styles

Support any framework Storybook supports

Support any framework Storybook supports

Join the design system revolution

Frequently asked questions

Does Anima work with private Storybook?

Does Anima support sub-components?