Figma to HTML: How to export a Figma design into HTML - Anima Blog
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Figma to HTML: How to export a Figma design into HTML3 min read

Reading Time: 4 minutes You can export a complete HTML code package or get individual component code from your Figma design. See how to convert Figma to HTML here!

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Figma to HTML: How to export a Figma design into HTML3 min read

Reading Time: 4 minutes

If you’re wondering how to convert Figma to HTML / CSS without writing the code yourself, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll show you how to export your Figma designs as production-ready HTML in a few simple steps using Anima.

Anima lets you create high-fidelity code-based prototypes in Figma, Adobe XD, and Sketch, and then export those prototypes as developer-friendly HTLM code in just a few clicks.

Going directly from Figma to HTML will allow you to create live web-based prototypes, deploy your own simple websites or landing pages, and hand developers clean code packages for the entire UI to speed up development.

Get Anima for Figma

Are you a visual learner? Here’s Figma to HTML YouTube tutorial.

How to convert Figma designs to HTML

You can export a complete HTML code package or get an individual component/screen code from your Figma design:

  1. Export full HTML flows from Figma, with multiple screens and links
  2. Copy or export HTML code snippets from Figma’s Dev Mode or Edit Mode

Export full HTML flows from Figma

Step 1: Run Anima’s Plugin in Figma’s Edit Mode

First, open your Figma project in Edit Mode (the main mode) and run Anima’s plugin.

Search for Anima in Edit Mode

Step 2: Select a screen, and click “Get Code”

After clicking “Get Code”, select “HTML” (React / Vue code packages are also available).


figma to html - anima plugin

When your design is successfully synced to Anima’s web app, you will get notified in the Anima plugin.

Click “Go to Anima” to open a browser tab with a preview of your Figma design, then click “Export code” → “Download”

In order to change the code framework, click the settings icon under “Export code”

What’s in the Code Package?

The downloaded Code Package is saved on your computer as a zip file in your selected location. In this zip file, you can find all the files for your design (this includes the HTML, CSS, images, and fonts files).

An HTML Code Package Automatically Generated by Anima.An HTML code package automatically generated by Anima

Once the files are unzipped, you can preview them locally in the browser by double-clicking the HTML file. You’ll be able to see all of your responsive elements and interactions, just like the final product!

Opening the files in a text editor will present to you a well-structured HTML and CSS code.

  • For every Frame/screen, Anima produces both HTML & CSS files.
  • The screens with Breakpoints (Multiple layouts per screen size) share the same HTML & CSS file and use CSS media queries.
  • Assets and fonts are included, and your code is ready to run or deploy.

Copy or export HTML code snippets directly in Figma

Step 1: Run Anima in Figma (Edit or Dev Mode)

Open Anima’s plugin in Edit or Dev Mode.

Step 2: Select a Figma Component, Layer, or Frame to get code

Select any Figma component, layer, or frame to get its corresponding HTML code in the right panel. You can then copy the code from the panel, open it in Anima’s online playground, or download the code package.

Export Figma to HTML in Dev Mode

This option is the fastest and the most straightforward for individual components and screens.

It is perfect for developer handoff since Dev Mode is accessible in Read Only.

How it looks in Figma Edit Mode

Run the Anima Plugin in Figma’s Edit Mode using the “Switch” button

get your code from edit mode inspect

Gen AI code personalization – Prompt right inside Figma

In the inspect panel on both Edit Mode and Dev Mode, you will see a toggle to open the AI code personalization. You can ask Anima to code according to your own coding conventions, add animations, or even a basic logic, by simply typing your request.

Learn more about Figma to code with AI code personalization:

Ready to export production-ready HTML code for your Figma designs?

Welcome aboard, let’s get you going!

Get Anima plugin for Figma


Growth marketer

A growth and marketing chick with 15 years in the tech game. She loves irreverent memes, offensive humor, and vegan chocolate. Probably drinking a cold brew while playing laser tag with her kids.

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